Dolphin Hotel, 34-35 High Street, Southampton - Archaeological Evaluation Report

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Wessex Archaeology


Wessex Archaeology was commissioned to undertake an archaeological evaluation. The National Grid Reference is 442080 111351.

The current evaluation comprised the excavation of three trenches within the footprints of the proposed new development. Trench 1 was not fully excavated to the natural brickearth, though where revealed the brickearth was found to be cut by a series of stake holes; two of which yielded Romano-British and Anglo-Norman pottery. Medieval and Post-medieval dumps, levelling episodes and the cobbled remnant of a 19th century stable block floor sealed these features. Trench 2 revealed substantial evidence of domestic occupation of the site in the Medieval period in the form of a series of inter-cutting rubbish and latrine pits. These were sealed by Medieval midden layers and Post-medieval made ground. Trench 3 also produced Medieval occupation evidence in the form of rubbish pits and a possible timber building. These remains were sealed by medieval and Post-medieval garden soils.


Early Medieval, Medieval, Post Medieval, Roman



Published: 2003-06-01 16:21

Last Updated: 2024-02-20 16:21


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