Defensive Links: Burntisland's Military Past. Gradiometer and Ground Penetrating Radar Survey Report

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Wessex Archaeology


A gradiometer survey was conducted over land know as ‘The Links’ in Burntisland (centred on NGR NT 23553 85897), with smaller areas of ground penetrating radar used for engagement within the wider survey area.

The geophysical survey covered an area of 4.24 ha and was undertaken between 20 – 24 March 2023.
Weak parallel linear anomalies are noted across the site. The majority of these likely pertain to ditches, possibly archaeological in origin or perhaps modern drainage. A pair of parallel linear anomalies indicate roadside ditches associated with the former ‘Petty-cur and Kinghorn’ road displayed in the Elphinstone 1745 map.

A former World War 2 air raid shelter marked on a map discovered in a loft clearance, and digitally available on the Burntisland heritage group website has been identified in the north-west of the site. There is some evidence for another structure to the north-east of this.

There is evidence of landscaping across much of the site. It is not clear whether this is modern or relates to the 19th century links golf course.

Numerous strong dipolar, and high amplitude, anomalies have been identified across the site. These indicate modern services and pathways


20th Century



Published: 2023-10-01 10:50

Last Updated: 2024-03-05 10:50


Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 4.0

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