Land at Weston under Penyard, Herefordshire. Post-Excavation Assessment.

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Wessex Archaeology


Wessex Archaeology was commissioned to undertake an archaeological strip, map and sample excavation of two mitigation areas, measuring 2025 m² and 625 m² respectively, prior to development on land at Weston under Penyard, Herefordshire (Area 1 centred on NGR 363540 223285 and Area 2 centred on NGR
363640 223205).

The requirement for, and scope of, archaeological works was determined following an archaeological evaluation in 2015 which had confirmed the presence of Romano-British remains indicative of a villa complex within the northern and eastern quarter of the development site. The two excavation areas were located adjacent to the main area of villa remains. Both areas had to be reduced in size due to the
detection of buried services and saturated ground conditions.

The archaeological remains revealed in excavation Area 1 were limited and comprised a stone
trough/repurposed coffin and two ditches that may relate to part of a former field system. The
associated small assemblage of finds indicates a potential Romano-British date for the two ditches.
Part of a north-east to south-west aligned stone drain of uncertain date was revealed within
excavation Area 2.

Overall, the evidence from the archaeological investigations is limited, but the results provide a
small contribution towards the known extent of Romano-British and later occupation within this
landscape and could aid the contextualisation of future discoveries.





Published: 2023-10-01 17:06

Last Updated: 2024-03-05 16:06


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