This report has not been peer reviewed.
Silverhall, Southwick Road, North Boarhunt, Hampshire. Archaeological Evaluation Report
Wessex Archaeology was commissioned by the property owners to undertake an archaeological evaluation of a 0.19 ha parcel of land at Silverhall, Southwick Road, North Boarhunt, Hampshire,
PO17 6JN, centred on NGR 460003 110329. The evaluation was undertaken as a pre-decision condition requested by the Historic Environment (Archaeology) Officer on behalf of the Local
Planning Authority.
The evaluation was undertaken prior to the proposed demolition of the current three-bedroom dwelling and the construction of a four-bedroom dwelling and swimming pool. The evaluation was undertaken on 9 November 2023 and comprised the excavation of two trenches (1x 15 m by 1.20 m, 1x 20 m by 1.20 m).
None of the excavated trial trenches contained archaeological features or deposits, with natural soil sequences being encountered within each of them. Some modern disturbance was noted in the topsoil and was derived from the recent clearance of the rear of the property. Overall, there seemed to be little truncation of the natural geology within the site, with a diffused
horizon between the subsoil and the underlying geology. While there was some evidence of disturbance of the horizon due to bioturbation activity or rooting, there was no evidence of truncation of the archaeological horizon by the greenhouses and sheds which had been constructed by the previous owners. The archaeological evaluation indicated that there is a low potential for archaeological features and deposits. However, the route of the Roman road is only projected and so could be located elsewhere in the immediate vicinity.
Undated / No Archaeology Recorded
Published: 2023-11-01 06:12
Last Updated: 2024-03-05 05:12
Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 4.0
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