Land at Twyford, Melton, Leicestershire - Detailed Gradiometer Survey Report

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Wessex Archaeology


A detailed gradiometer survey was conducted over land at Land at Twyford, Melton, Leicestershire (centred on NGR 471501 310655). The site comprises arable fields located west of the village of Twyford and 14 km north-west of Leicester, in the county of Leicestershire, covering an area of 14.1 ha. The gradiometer survey has been successful in detecting anomalies of possible archaeological origin in the form of a possible ring-ditch and extraction pits. In addition to these, anomalies interpreted as ridge and furrow, and modern services have also been identified. In the northern portion of the site a small cluster of curvilinear and globular anomalies have been highlighted as a possible ditched enclosure with internal pits.

These anomalies could also, however, be geological variations of related to the laying of the modern service immediately west. The two groups of pits identified in the east and southern portions of the site are thought to be of 18th-century origin likely linked to extraction. With the eastern grouping relating to a possible pit alignment. This interpretation is further strengthened due to similar, modern, gravel pits identified to the north of the site, recorded on 18th-century OS mapping. These anomalies could also be geological in origin or related to a build-up of magnetic material as a result of modern agricultural practices. Evidence of former agricultural practices noted as ridge and furrow has also been identified throughout the site. The curving form and broad spacing may indicate a medieval date however further investigation would be required to establish this. The only other features identified on site relate to more recent activity and include two modern services, land drains and disturbance generated by animal feeding troughs.


Geophysical Survey



Published: 2023-09-01 20:33

Last Updated: 2024-08-21 18:33


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