Coachmans House, Sandy Lane, Shedfield, Hampshire - Archaeological Evaluation

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Wessex Archaeology


Wessex Archaeology was commissioned by the landowner, to undertake an archaeological evaluation of an approximately 100 m² parcel of land located in in the grounds of Coachmans House, Sandy Lane, Shedfield Hampshire SO32 2HQ. The evaluation area was centred on NGR 455411, 113616.

When the trench locations were set out in the approximate positions proposed in the WSI, it became apparent that trench 1 crossed an above ground service and trench 2 crossed the septic tank. Due to tree canopies and utilities, only a single trench could fit in the available remaining space. The trial trench measured 6 m in length and 1.8 m wide.

A single archaeological feature was observed during the evaluation, it is possible this gully relates to drainage of the site, however as no finds were recovered it is not possible to determine the date of the feature. It is possible that the gully may be part of the wider agricultural landscape associated with the 1st–2nd century AD Romano-British ditched enclosure to the south of the site, or may relate to the Roman road projected to run within the west of the site. But equally the gully could be part of the medieval or post-medieval agricultural landscape.


Undated / No Archaeology Recorded



Published: 2023-04-01 16:50

Last Updated: 2024-08-21 14:50


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