Newlands Farm, Newlands Lane, Purbrook, Hampshire - Archaeological Watching Brief

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Wessex Archaeology


Wessex Archaeology undertook an archaeological watching brief during groundworks associated with the proposed refurbishment and redevelopment of Newland Farm. The monitored works were centred on NGR 466490 108660, at Newlands Farm, Newlands Lane, Purbrook, Hampshire, PO7 5SH.

During the watching brief four areas were monitored, and numbered trenches 1 to 4. Trench 1 was located at the eastern end of the building adjacent to the pond, Trench 2 was located at the western end at the intersection of the wings of the building, Trench 3 was located south of the building adjacent to the pond and Trench 4 was located north of this same building.

The watching brief did not identify any archaeological features or deposits. The observed soil sequence indicates that the areas monitored had been heavily disturbed and truncated by the various phases of construction associated with Newlands Farm buildings. Extensive archaeological remains to the east of the site toward Waterlooville have been investigated during numerous archaeological evaluations and excavations. Adjacent to the site, Iron Age and Romano-British features were investigated and a small assemblage of probable Early Neolithic worked flint was recovered from the overburden.


Undated / No Archaeology Recorded



Published: 2023-11-01 15:23

Last Updated: 2024-08-21 13:23


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