Heatherside Junior School, Fleet, Hampshire - Ground Penetrating Radar Survey Report

This report has not been peer reviewed. The archive for this project is available at the Archaeology Data Service: https://doi.org/10.5284/1121789.


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Wessex Archaeology


A Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) survey was conducted over land at Heatherside Junior School, Fleet, Hampshire (centred on NGR 481097 153477). The site comprises a grass school playing field, within the town of Fleet, 6 km west of the town of Farnborough, Hampshire, covering an area of 670 sq. m. The ground penetrating radar survey identified anomalies of archaeological origin, and those associated with modern activity and
vegetation. A rectilinear arrangement of high amplitude anomalies was identified on site. These correspond to
the position of a former building, identified on the OS 1:25 000 map from 1937 to 1961. The GPR responses infer foundations, however they do not appear to have substantial depth which suggests it may be a shallow platform or has been largely removed. Further to the foundations, a series of high amplitude linear responses were apparent within the footprint of the former building. These likely correspond to services, or internal structures, associated with the former building.

An amorphous high amplitude anomaly was identified at the eastern edge of the site. Although there is no clear origin, the anomaly is present in the first two timeslices, suggesting that it is associated with near-surface disturbance. This may be due to ground works or vegetation activity. Additionally, multiple high and low amplitude anomalies were present in the eastern portion of the site. These likely correspond with tree roots. The high amplitude caused by increased water content in the roots, creating high contrast in the surrounding medium; the low amplitude caused by drier roots, or soil with lower reflective properties than the surrounding medium.


Geophysical Survey



Published: 2023-01-01 15:37

Last Updated: 2024-08-21 13:37


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