Vining Lodsworth WSW - Geoarchaeological Monitoring of Ground Investigation Works

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Wessex Archaeology


A programme of monitoring of Ground Investigation (GI) works was undertaken at Langham Lane, Halfway Bridge, Lodsworth, GU28 9DB.

The principal aims of the monitoring were to assess the archaeological potential of the Quaternary superficial deposits at the Site, to make suitable proposals for further work, and to contribute to the overall heritage knowledge of the priory through recording of features exposed during groundworks.

A single borehole (BH101) was undertaken, along with three trial puts (TP1, TP2, TP3), each of which was monitored and described by the attending geoarchaeologist. The deposits recorded across the Site are situated within a dry valley forming part of the wider palaeodrainage of the River Rother. The sequence of deposits comprised Hythe Formation Sandstone, Colluvium, and Made Ground. There is no evidence for buried soils sealed by the colluvium and the deposit sequence has a low archaeological and geoarchaeological potential.
Ceramic building material was found in TP3. The date of the CBM is uncertain; at the earliest it may reflect Roman activity but is most likely Post-Medieval or later date and subsequently moved down slope.

No further archaeological work is required owing to the low geoarchaeological potential of the Quaternary deposits and absence of archaeological features.





Published: 2023-06-01 20:04

Last Updated: 2024-08-21 18:04


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