NH3 Immingham Green Energy Terminal - Geoarchaeological Borehole Survey and Watching Brief on GI Works

This report has not been peer reviewed. The archive for this project is available at the Archaeology Data Service: https://doi.org/10.5284/1121768.


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Wessex Archaeology


A programme of geoarchaeological borehole survey and deposit modelling, and an archaeological watching brief of Geotechnical Investigation (GI) works, was undertaken at NH3 Immingham Green Energy Terminal in advance of proposed development comprising an ammonia import terminal forming part of the proposed Green Energy Terminal.

The geoarchaeological borehole survey was focused on the West Site, with the archaeological watching brief encompassing the West Site, Pipeline Corridor and East Site. The geoarchaeological borehole survey and watching brief were undertaken in accordance with an overarching WSI (AECOM 2022). The work was designed to provide information on the geoarchaeological and archaeological resource likely to be impacted by the proposed development and facilitate an informed decision with regard to any further archaeological and geoarchaeological work that may be required. In addition, two borehole transects in the West Site targeted a possible palaeochannel feature identified in a previous geophysical survey.

No archaeological finds or features were identified during the archaeological watching brief on the GI works which comprised a total of 40 geotechnical test pits. Overlying the bedrock, the sequence of superficial geological deposits recorded at the Site comprised Pleistocene glacial till, overlain by a sequence of Holocene alluvium formed under the influence of rising sea levels during the Holocene. In places the Holocene alluvial sequence includes peat and organic-rich units. The sequence was capped by modern made ground towards the centre of the Site, and modern topsoil elsewhere.


Geoarchaeological, Undated / No Archaeology Recorded



Published: 2023-05-01 15:21

Last Updated: 2024-08-21 13:20


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