Primrose Lane, Harwich, Essex - Archaeological Evaluation

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Wessex Archaeology


Wessex Archaeology was commissioned by Low Carbon UK Solar Investment Company Ltd, to
undertake an archaeological evaluation of a 26 ha parcel of land located northwest of Bowl Road,
Harwich, Essex, centred on NGR 617555 229050.
Of the 178 trenches, 42 contained archaeological features and deposits, indicating archaeological
remains are present across the site with a concentration in the eastern half. The uncovered features
comprising ditches, gullies and pits represent three main periods of activity: prehistoric, RomanoBritish, and medieval/post-medieval, though several features remain of uncertain date. Prehistoric
pottery, possibly of Early/Middle Bronze Age date and Roman pottery was recovered from a pit/ditch
terminal end and ditches in the north-east of the site. Whilst medieval–modern finds were recovered
across the eastern half of the site, no finds were recovered from the western portion of the site. The
features largely pertain to agricultural activity, with a paucity of evidence suggestive of settlement.
Considering the archaeological background and the location of the site between the Anglo-Saxon
settlement of Wix and the possible medieval moated enclosure to the north-east, it is not surprising
that the evaluation has demonstrated that many agricultural features are present from the medieval–
post-medieval periods. The prehistoric and Romano-British features may also be related to
cultivation, however too few dateable features were found to be certain of their function.
At the request of the Historic Environment Advisor for Place Services, no underground cabling will
be installed in two areas of archaeological potential identified during the evaluation, with overground
cabling used instead.


Bronze Age, Medieval, Post Medieval, Roman



Published: 2023-07-01 15:15

Last Updated: 2024-08-21 13:15


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