Land at Bordon Garrison, Bordon, Hampshire - Archaeological Evaluation

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Wessex Archaeology


Wessex Archaeology was commissioned to undertake an archaeological evaluation of a 1.91 ha parcel of land located on land at the former Bordon Garrison, Bordon, Hampshire, GU35 9HQ. The Site is part of a wider development site.

A recent archaeological appraisal of the site had identified two largely linear banks relating to known 19th and 20th century boundaries, although the dating of these features (referred to in the appraisal as Linear 1 and 2 was uncertain, with the potential that these features may predate the modern development of the site.

During the trial trenching, only Trench 1 was possible to open after minor adjustments to its proposed position (due to no-site obstructions like trees, fallen trees and bushes). A second targeted trench (Trench 2) had to be abandoned because of natural disturbance, modern services and constraints from existing trees and other vegetation. The evaluation in Trench 1 confirmed the nature of the linear bank, although no pre-modern dating
material was recovered. No evidence of a formal ditch associated with the bank was observed and it appears likely that the bank feature is likely to be a relatively modern 19th-20th century landscape feature rather than a potential earlier feature.


20th Century, Post Medieval



Published: 2022-05-01 21:11

Last Updated: 2024-08-22 19:11


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