Astra Printing, Cullompton, Devon - Archaeological Monitoring and Supervised Archaeological Strip

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Wessex Archaeology


Wessex Archaeology was commissioned by RPS Consulting Services, to undertake an
archaeological watching brief and a supervised archaeological strip of the footprint of the proposed
building and monitoring of ground reduction in the area of car parking to the north. The monitored
works covered 0.53 ha, centred on NGR 302135 107764, located at Willand Road, Collumpton,
The watching brief comprised the observation of all mechanical excavations associated with twelve
geotechnical pits. The supervised archaeological strip comprised the observation of all mechanical
excavations and the subsequent excavation and recording of archaeological features and deposits
in four areas.
Two of the sixteen observed areas (Areas 14 and 15) revealed archaeological features. Two main
periods of activity were recorded, Roman and modern. The features comprised three Romano-
British pits and a modern well. Residual Iron Age pottery and prehistoric worked flint were also
recovered from later features and deposits.
The watching brief and supervised archaeological strip also established that the site has been
subject to a very high degree of truncation relating to construction and landscaping during its
industrial development throughout the 20th century.


20th Century, Romano-British



Published: 2022-08-01 16:35

Last Updated: 2024-08-22 14:35


Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 4.0

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