Hawkeridge Road, Heywood, Westbury, Wiltshire - Archaeological Monitoring and Recording

This report has not been peer reviewed. The archive for this project is available at the Archaeology Data Service: https://doi.org/10.5284/1112379.


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Wessex Archaeology


Wessex Archaeology was commissioned to undertake archaeological monitoring and recording during ground disturbance works associated with the construction of an outdoor horseriding arena. The excavation of a 60 m by 30 m area in the footprint of the outdoor riding arena was monitored.

No archaeological features or deposits were encountered during the course of the archaeological monitoring and recording, although Romano- British, medieval and post-medieval pottery was recovered from the topsoil. The pottery finds are consistent with the evaluation at Hawkeridge Farm and the linears and enclosures identified in the geophysical survey and aerial photography of cropmarks. It is reasonable that the material could have moved in the ploughsoil and would further support evidence of Romano- British activity and medieval/post-medieval fields and settlement in the immediate area, although no evidence of significant archaeological activity was observed.


Medieval, Post Medieval, Roman



Published: 2024-08-23 13:52


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