Northfleet Embankment West - Further Laser Scan and Photogrammetry Survey

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Wessex Archaeology


Wessex Archaeology has been commission to undertake measured surveys of brick structural remains, exposed during the demolition phase of redevelopment works at the former Northfleet Cement Works, Gravesham.

A brick kiln structure and associated features (the ‘northern kiln complex’) was exposed centred on NGR 562040 174790 during the ongoing watching brief phase in Area E. Deemed too unstable for preservation, Wessex Archaeology carried out a laser scan and photogrammetry survey (Phase 1) of the area in October 2021 prior to demolition, which is described in a separate technical report (Wessex Archaeology 2021).

To the south-west, a row of kilns and a tunnel (the ‘southern kiln complex’) were identified during the mitigation phase on Areas A, B, C and D. Wessex Archaeology undertook a laser scan and photogrammetry survey of the kilns in February 2022, and another in March 2022 following further exposure of the tunnel and surrounding area. These Phase 2 and Phase 3 surveys are described together in this report.

In total the surveys cover an area of 1556.34 m², centred on centred on NGR 561978 174770. The surveys were carried out using both terrestrial laser scan and photogrammetry techniques, controlled by total station and geospatially located using a GNSS system. The purpose of the survey was to create an accurate record of the structural remains. The site is believed to form part of the former Bevans cement works.


Undated / No Archaeology Recorded



Published: 2022-05-01 17:58

Last Updated: 2024-08-27 15:58


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