Southampton Container Terminal Berth Access Dredge

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Wessex Archaeology


Wessex Archaeology was appointed to carry out an archaeological watching brief based on the previously prepared and approved written scheme of archaeological works for the proposed capital dredging area within Southampton Water known as the Container Terminal Berth Access Dredge.

The project involved the extension of the existing tug manoeuvring area, targeted widening of the existing navigation channel, the side slope, and the Bury Swinging Ground to enable safe and adequate vessel access to berth two. The dredged material was disposed of at the Nab Tower disposal ground, located to the south-east of the Isle of Wight.

The works was carried out using a backhoe dredger and transfer barges to dispose of the material. It involved the dredging of 91,432 m3 of material. No archaeological material was recovered either during the attendance of the project archaeologists or through the project Protocol for Archaeological Discoveries.


Undated / No Archaeology Recorded



Published: 2022-03-01 17:48

Last Updated: 2024-08-27 15:48


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