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Sparkling Stream Project, Public Right of Way and Wilton Wetland Construction, Wilton, Wiltshire - Archaeological Monitoring and Recording
Wessex Archaeology was commissioned to undertake a programme of archaeological monitoring and recording (AMR) during ground disturbance works associated with the construction of an on-farm wetland at Manor Farm, Grafton Road, Wilton (planning ref. PL/2021/10788).
Covering approximately 2.36 ha, the development site comprises farmland bordered to the northeast by the former Roman road connecting Venta Belgarum (Winchester) and Cunetio (Mildenhall). Combined with cropmark data from the surrounding environs suggesting the presence of later prehistoric field systems the archaeological potential of the site was considered such that, in consultation with WCAS, an AMR covering all ground disturbance works associated with the wetland creation was required. However, during the investigations it was evident that groundworks would not impact below the subsoil level (approx. 0.35 m below ground level) and as such, in consultation with WCAS, the AMR was terminated following the monitoring of the ground reduction of the basin footprint.
No archaeological features were observed during the works, though some burnt flint and struck flint was recovered, suggestive of a background of early land use within the site and the surrounding area. Fluvial deposits with a distinctive iron-rich clay were recorded on an approximate south-east to north-west alignment and may pertain to a palaeochannel traversing the site. The lack of archaeological evidence observed during the AMR is likely due to the limited depth of groundworks with the potential for any surviving archaeological footprint to have remained in situ.
Undated / No Archaeology Recorded
Published: 2022-07-01 13:24
Last Updated: 2024-08-27 11:24
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