Adanac Phase 1 and 2 Archaeological Evaluation and Mitigation, Nursling, Hampshire - Post-excavation Assessment

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Wessex Archaeology


Wessex Archaeology was commissioned to conduct a programme of archaeological works at Adanac North Phase 1 and 2 on a 7.6 hectare parcel of land located in Nursling, Hampshire, centred on NGR 437220 115914.

The works were divided into two phases, Phase 1 comprised a 6.1 hectare area on the southern extent of the Site, and was subjected to all the phases of work described above. Phase 2 comprised a 1.5 hectare area to the north-east of the Phase 1 works, here the archaeological monitoring comprised a strip, map, sample watching brief.

The most significant archaeological feature was a mid Iron Age penannular enclosure within the centre of the Phase 1 area. The enclosure comprised three segmented ditches. Six postholes within the enclosure are likely to be contemporaneous, with two inside the eastern entrance and four forming a possible structure to the west of the centre. Stratigraphically later, but still largely contemporaneous the terminus of one of the ditches had been cut by three intercutting pits. All these features are broadly mid - late Iron Age in date. Three further ditches were related to the penannular enclosure spread across the Phase one works six ditches were recorded.

Artefacts recovered by the archaeological fieldwork were either broadly late prehistoric or obviously modern (late 20th century onwards). The worked flint had characteristics from the late Bronze Age, and a few abraded sherds of Late Bronze Age pottery were recovered. However, the majority of the pottery, whilst in a poor, degraded state, dated to the mid Iron Age. Other artefacts included burnt flint, slag and worked stone. The obviously modern artefacts were recorded on site and not retained.


Bronze Age, Iron Age



Published: 2021-06-01 00:00

Last Updated: 2023-10-30 15:16


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