Sellindge Phase 2, Ashford Road, Sellindge, Kent - Post-excavation Assessment

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Wessex Archaeology


Wessex Archaeology was commissioned to undertake an archaeological strip, map and sample excavation on a parcel of land located in Sellindge, Ashford Road, Kent, TN25 6GD, centred on Grid Reference (NGR) 610194, 138140. The excavation comprised three areas. The areas measured: Area 1 - 363m², Area 2 - 807m² and Area 3 - 4590m².

The archaeological investigation has identified activity predominantly dating to the medieval, late medieval & post-medieval periods focused to the south of the site. The presence of multiple ditches demonstrates an established field boundary system possibly related to Somerfield Court and Somerfield Court Barn. In addition, one feature dating to the Romano-British period was revealed at the north western corner of Area 1. Several sherds of Romano-British pottery were also discovered across the site however, all were residual.

The investigation has identified mainly agricultural activity comprising boundary and drainage ditches dating from 12th to 16th century focused within the central portion and to the south of the site. Although, Bronze Age, Mid / Late Iron Age and sparse Romano-British activity has been identified to the north, its density suggests rather a peripheral nature rather than settlement.


Medieval, Post Medieval



Published: 2019-05-01 00:00

Last Updated: 2023-10-30 15:19


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