Wokingham Major Highways Programme North-West Distributor Road - Archaeological Excavation Report

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Wessex Archaeology


Wessex Archaeology was commissioned to undertake an archaeological Strip, Map and Sample excavation to the west of Old Forest Road and Toutley Road, Wokingham, centred on NGR 479424 170349.

The results of the strip, map and sample, which comprised four areas, correlated with those of the evaluation. Features were concentrated within Areas 1 and 2, in the eastern extent of the site, whilst Areas 3 and 4 were void of any archaeological signature. Whilst the precise character of the material remains uncertain, it may be associated with the iron working site at Sadlers End approximately 900 m from the site. A possible pond was also located, containing a soil sequence suggesting natural silting prior to modern infilling.

Elsewhere significant modern disturbance was encountered. Various extents of structural remains comprising concrete footings, surfaces and brick-built walls are almost certainly the remnants of the WW2 anti-aircraft defence previously identified and believed to have been erected on the site in defence of the railway like to the west. These structural remains were found in proximity to a number of modern pits which were seen to contain material consistent with that found in the fabric of the structure. It is believed that the pits were dug in association with the demolition of the gun battery, with the structure bulldozed into the pits.

Artefactual evidence across the site was slight with a single post-medieval pottery sherd recovered one field boundary and burn flint indicative of prehistoric activity from the other. Post-medieval ceramic building material was also evident.


20th Century, Post Medieval



Published: 2020-11-01 00:00

Last Updated: 2023-10-31 13:40


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