Land west of Ham Lane, Lenham, Kent - Post-excavation Assessment

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Wessex Archaeology


Wessex Archaeology was commissioned to undertake an archaeological strip, map and sample excavation on parcel of land located west of Ham Lane, Lenham, Kent.

The excavation was required to determine the date, nature and extent of any activity and character of landscape organisation within the site.

The archaeological investigation revealed a low level of activity provisionally dated to the prehistoric and post-medieval periods.

A total of 11 distinct archaeological features were recorded, comprising a field boundary ditch, a drainage ditch and a ditch terminus, three ditch segments and five pits including a placed pottery vessel. A number of tree throws dispersed across the site were also identified.

Evidence of prehistoric activity was focused in the northern section of the excavation area and suggested the peripheral nature of the past activity rather than settlement. A post-medieval boundary ditch was revealed in the central portion of the site along with a fence line which had been identified during the evaluation phase.


Bronze Age, Iron Age, Post Medieval



Published: 2019-08-01 01:00

Last Updated: 2023-11-06 12:54


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