Botley Bypass, Botley, Hampshire - Post-excavation Assessment

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Wessex Archaeology


Wessex Archaeology was commissioned to undertake archaeological mitigation works comprising archaeological strip, map and sample excavation of three areas, located along the line of a bypass road to the north and east of Botley, Hampshire. This followed an archaeological evaluation that revealed three areas of further interest: excavation Area A is centred on NGR 451097, 113905; B on NGR 451871,113106; and C on NGR 451926, 113028.

Archaeological features were recorded in all three areas. In Area A, a series of 1st century AD features were revealed, including two ditched enclosures, a hollow and three pits. A post-medieval ditch crossed this area and a further five pits and seven postholes were of uncertain date. In Area B, two waterholes were dated to the 1st century AD; there was also a post-medieval ditch. Two parallel ditches and two pits were of uncertain date. In Area C, a poorly defined feature containing a Middle Bronze Age Globular Urn was excavated, as well as two post-medieval ditches. The majority of the pottery assemblage was of 1st century AD date and of a transitional type dated between the Late Iron Age and early Romano-British period. The environmental samples were dominated by charcoal recovered from the pits and it is possible that some of these were used for charcoal production, though further analysis is required. No plant remains indicative of nearby settlement were identified.

The results of the excavation have revealed an unusual form of Middle Bronze Age depositional practice and have added to the known distribution of Late Iron Age–Romano-British activity in the region. Further potential exists for analysis and dating of several of the charcoal rich samples to ascertain whether charcoal production is a feature of the site and to inform on its environmental context.


Bronze Age, Iron Age, Post Medieval, Roman



Published: 2022-07-01 05:00

Last Updated: 2023-11-08 16:17


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