Land east of Selborne Road, Alton, Hampshire - Post-excavation Assessment

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Wessex Archaeology


The excavation identified the remains of a circular post-built structure, probably a roundhouse, with associated pits and postholes. Late Bronze Age pottery was recovered from several of the features, along with small amounts of animal bone, fired clay, worked flint and charred plant remains.

The watching brief observed a set of modern (likely mid-20th century) sub-rectangular, flat-bottomed pits that were probably the remains of shallow building foundations, similar to those recorded in this location during the evaluation. Whilst it remains possible that the structures were associated with military activity during the second world war, as had been suggested during the evaluation phase, subsequent investigation produced no evidence to support or refute the hypothesis. The remains of the structures appear to be limited significance and have no obvious potential for further analysis.

Further examination of the stratigraphic, artefactual and environmental data would yield little additional information. However, the Late Bronze Age evidence is of local significance as it enhances our understanding of the distribution and character of late prehistoric occupation in the area and is of sufficient interest to merit wider dissemination through publication.


20th Century, Bronze Age



Published: 2020-10-31 17:00

Last Updated: 2023-11-08 03:46


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