Swing Swang Lane, Basingstoke, Hampshire - Archaeological Excavation Report

This report has not been peer reviewed. The archive for this project is available at the Archaeology Data Service: https://doi.org/10.5284/1093153.


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Wessex Archaeology


Wessex Archaeology was commissioned by the Redrow Homes Limited to undertake an archaeological strip map and record excavation on land located at Swing Swang Lane, Basingstoke, Hampshire, centred on National Grid Reference 465598 152802.

The excavation comprised of two separate areas, targeted on archaeological remains observed in previous investigations and covered an area totalling 1,000m2.

The investigation confirmed the presence of background prehistoric activity on the site observed during earlier archaeological works. This included a boundary ditch containing Romano-British pottery and worked flint, and a small pit and tree throw containing worked flint. A substantial sized undated pit was also investigated and the function of this feature remains unclear. The only evidence of Civil war period
activity on the site came from a single artefact, one lead shot suitable for a large pistol, recovered from the topsoil during the investigations.


Bronze Age, Neolithic, Roman



Published: 2020-10-01 00:00

Last Updated: 2023-10-09 08:56

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