Flowers Barrow, Lulworth, Dorset - Archaeological Excavation Report

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Wessex Archaeology


Wessex Archaeology was commissioned by Defence Infrastructure Organisation to undertake archaeological mitigation works comprising an archaeological excavation of a 250 m2 parcel of land, centred on NGR 386455 80595, at Scheduled Monument Flowers Barrow, Lulworth, Dorset, within the South Dorset Coast Site of Scientific Interest (SSSI).

The proposed investigation comprised the hand excavation of three excavation areas (trenches A, B and C) targeting the most at-risk areas of the Scheduled Monument, Flowers Barrow: multivallate hillfort and associated outwork on Rings Hill, Dorset (NHLE 1008141), which is currently on the Heritage at Risk Register (Historic England 2020).

The works are designed to preserve by record the remains of the monument to mitigate unavoidable loss due to coastal erosion. Due to on-site constraints and health and safety concerns all Trenches were moved. Trench A was moved further north to avoid the cliff slippage, trenches B and C were reoriented slightly to avoid ongoing costal erosion and the limitations of gorse/scrub removal. Due to the absence of a UXO clearance certificate no excavations took place. Trenches B and C were de-turfed, trench A was not excavated.


Undated / No Archaeology Recorded



Published: 2022-02-11 05:00

Last Updated: 2023-11-08 18:01


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