Northumberland Line Newsham Station - Archaeological Investigations Interim Report

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Wessex Archaeology


Wessex Archaeology was commissioned to undertake archaeological investigation and recording (strip, map and record) prior to construction of a railway station at Newsham. The archaeological investigation took place on open land to the south of the A1061 (South Newsham Road), on greenfield land to the west of the existing railway line, Area 1, and on brownfield land to the east of the line, Area 2. Area 1 covered around 1.6 hectares (ha), approximately centred on NGR 430410 578741 (NZ 30410 78741) and Area 2 covered 0.27 ha approximately centred on NGR 430597 578841 (NZ 30597 78841).

In Area 1 the archaeological investigation exposed the remains of a rectangular enclosure (1074) and internal ring gully (1408) previously identified by geophysical survey and trial trench evaluation. It
revealed further archaeological remains within the enclosure, comprising ring gullies, ditches and pits. A large wood-lined pit, thought to be a possible Iron Age well was also investigated within the enclosure. Artefactual dating evidence was limited, although post-excavation analysis may provide further chronological evidence. Other features across Area 1 provided evidence for post-medieval mining activity and agriculture. In Area 2, two ditches and a pit were exposed.


Iron Age, Post Medieval



Published: 2022-08-01 05:00

Last Updated: 2023-11-08 18:01


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