Galloper Wind Farm Onshore Works, Sizewell Gap, Leiston, Suffolk - Post Excavation Report

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Wessex Archaeology


Wessex Archaeology was commissioned to undertake a programme of archaeological investigation comprising of evaluation, strip, map and sample excavation and watching brief on land at Sizewell Gap, Leiston, Suffolk.

The earliest evidence of activity at the Site is of Bronze Age date. The Early Iron Age saw low level activity confined to the north eastern region of the Site, suggesting a pattern of rural open settlement. There is little evidence of enclosure or landscape division at the time.

Most evidence of settlement at the Site is of Romano-British date with several phases of enclosures and land divisions in evidence.

Several features remain undated including pits, postholes and ditches, and a small number of discrete features were unexcavated. Their potential contexts will need to be included, should there be any further analysis of the surrounding area.


Bronze Age, Iron Age, Roman, Undated / No Archaeology Recorded



Published: 2019-09-01 16:33

Last Updated: 2024-02-19 14:36


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