Former Car Clinic, Back of the Walls, Southampton - Archaeological Evaluation Report

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Wessex Archaeology


Wessex Archaeology was commissioned to undertake an archaeological evaluation at the former Car Clinic premises, Back of the Walls, Southampton, centred on NGR 442315 111195.

The evaluation consisted of the excavation of two trenches extending from the Site’s western frontage eastward to determine the presence, absence, and condition of archaeological remains. The evaluation partially revealed two ditches, conceivably corresponding to the inner and outer town ditches east of the line of the town wall. These were cut through brickearth. One rim sherd of medieval pottery and ceramic building material were recovered, along with a fragment of bone, from redeposited brickearth lying between the line of the town wall and the inner ditch. No evidence of the town wall was found along the western frontage. Modern foundations were also revealed cut down into the natural brickearth. These have severely impacted archaeological remains, which appeared to survive between them.


Medieval, Post Medieval



Published: 2003-06-01 16:18

Last Updated: 2024-02-20 16:18


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