Kentish Sites and Sites of Kent: A miscellany of four archaeological excavations

Phil Andrews, Kirsten Egging Dinwiddy, Chris Ellis, Andrew Hutcheson, Christopher Phillpotts, Andrew B. Powell & Jorn Schuster
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The volume presents the results of archaeological investigations undertaken at four sites in Kent. The two 'linear' schemes: the West Malling and Leybourne Bypass and Weatherlees-Margate-Broadstairs Wastewater Pipeline, provided transects across the landscape revealing settlement and cemetery evidence of Neolithic, Bronze Age, Iron Age, Romano-British and Anglo-Saxon date. Two Bronze Age metalwork hoards were also recovered and a variety of World War II features.

Medieval settlement remains included sunken-featured buildings at West Malling, Fulston Manor, and Star Lane, Manston, that appear to belong to a type of building specific to Kent that had combined uses as bakeries, brewhouses, and / or kitchens. A short study of these, their distribution, form an possible functions, is included. 

In addition to evidence for Bronze Age occupation, Manston Road, Ramsgate produced Anglo-Saxon settlement evidence with six sunken-featured buildings and a sizeable assemblage of domestic items. 


Published Published By Pages ISBN
Jan. 1, 2009 Wessex Archaeology 303 978-1-874350-50-7
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