The 18th Century Baptist Chapel and Burial Ground as West Butts Street, Poole

Jacqueline I. McKinley
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This volume describes the excavation and analysis of remains recovered from an intact, 18th century Baptist burial ground situated on the north-west margins of Poole, Dorset.  The West Butts Street congregation was established in 1735 by 15 named members but dwindled in the 1780s on the demise of their one and only Pastor, John Bird.  The chapel was demolished but the burial ground subsequently served a second Baptist community, Hill Street, founded in 1804, until their own church was built in 1813.

The accompanying documentary research gathered a wealth of information regarding 18th century Poole, its population and economic status, and the growth and spread of Nonconformity and the Baptist movement in the town, but there were few direct conclusive links with the West Butts congregation.  It has, however, been possible to form an impression of the world in which the members of the congregation lived and worshipped which, together with the excavated evidence, including the osteological analysis of the 100 individuals identified, has enabled some aspects of the lives of the cemetery's population to be gleaned. 


Published Published By Pages ISBN
Jan. 1, 2008 Wessex Archaeology 188 978-1-874350-45-3
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