Excavations in the Burghfield Area, Berkshire: Developments in the Bronze Age and Saxon Landscapes

C A. Butterworth & S J Lobb
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Four sites excavated on the gravels of the River Kennet produced evidence for occupation, burial, and riverside activities from the Mesolithic-post-medieval periods.

At Field Farm, Mesolithic flintwork, a Neolithic hearth and pottery, and a series of Bronze Age ring-ditches associated with Deverel-Rimbury and Collared Urn cremation burials were recovered. In the 7th century AD the man ringditch became a focus for an inhumation cemetery. Deverel-Rimbury urns were also recovered from Shortheath Lane, Sulhampstead.

At Anslow's Cottages a Bronze Age landing-stage was followed by a series of Roman and Saxon stake- and post- built structures across and within a former river channel. A Saxon basketry fish or eel trap was also recovered together with detailed environmental sequences. Another Saxon timber was recorded at Theale Industrial Site. 


Published Published By Pages ISBN
Jan. 1, 1992 Wessex Archaeology 200 1-874350-01-9
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