Three Excavations Along the Thames and its Tributaries, 1994: Neolithic to Saxon Settlement and Burial in the Thames, Colne and Kennet Valleys

Phil Andrews & Andrew Crockett
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At Prospect Park, near Harmondsworth, several features containing Neolithic Grooved Ware were encountered and slight evidence for Neolithic activity was recorded at both Hurst Park, East Molesey, and Wickhams Field, near Reading.

An Early Bronze Age ring-ditch, with associated Collared Urn cremation burials, was found at Hurst Park.  The Middle Bronze Age was represented at both Hurst Park and Prospect Park by a ring-ditch, two cremation burials, and a pit. Late Bronze Age settlements dating from the 11th–9th centuries BC were recorded at Hurst Park and Prospect Park.

Early Iron Age settlement was indicated at Wickhams Field by the presence of a trackway, enclosure, and associated pits. The Romano-British period was represented at all three sites by two farmsteads and a single cremation burial.

At Prospect Park, Early Saxon settlement of the 5th or 6th century AD was represented by four sunken-featured buildings, two timber halls, pits, and a well. At Wickhams Field, evidence for a Saxon settlement of 7th-9th century date was revealed by a series of storage pits, and a pair of wells. 


Published Published By Pages ISBN
Jan. 1, 1996 Wessex Archaeology 199 1-874350-18-3
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