Prehistoric & Roman Sites in East Devon: the A30 Honiton to Exeter Improvement DBFO Scheme, 1996–9. Volume 2

A. P. Fitzpatrick, C A. Butterworth & J. Grove
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Eight excavations on sites of prehistoric and Roman date were undertaken during 19968 in advance of the A30 road improvement between Honiton and Exeter in Devon in south-west England. The excavated sites span the Neolithic to Roman periods, though evidence for Lower Palaeolithic and Mesolithic activity was also recorded.

At Castle Hill two Neolithic ritual monuments and a Middle Bronze Age field system and part of the associated farm compound were excavated. Bronze Age round-houses and compounds were also found at Patteson's Cross and at Hayne Lane, where an enclosed MiddleLate Bronze Age settlement was almost completely excavated.  Three MidLate Iron Age settlements were examined; a single round-house at Langland Lane, part of an open settlement at Long Range, and at Blackhorse, where he last phase of the settlement was enclosed. 

A Roman military base with an associated outwork or annexe was found at Pomeroy Wood. The base was occupied between c. AD6085 and the garrison at one stage may have been a cavalry unit. The fort was succeeded by an extensive roadside settlement, which was also examined at Gittisham Forge.  It is possible that the settlement may have been called Moridunum


Published Published By Pages ISBN
Jan. 1, 1999 Wessex Archaeology 234 1-874350-31-0
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