A Prehistoric Burial Mound and Anglo-Saxon Cemetery at Barrow Clump, Salisbury Plain, Wiltshire: English Heritage and Operation Nightingale excavations 2003 – 2014

Phil Andrews, Jonathan Last, Richard Osgood & Nick Stoodley
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Barrow Clump, on the east side of the Avon valley, lies in the centre of the Salisbury Plain Military Training Area.  It is the site of a large, partly extant Early Bronze Age burial mound which incorporated an earlier Beaker funerary monument, seals a Neolithic land surfaces, and was the focus of an Anglo-Saxon cemetery, most of the 70 graves dating to the 6th century AD. 

Excavations in 2003 – 4 were carried out largely in response to the dame being cause to this and other prehistoric monuments by badgers. The subsequent work in 2012 – 14 was made possible by the participation of Operation Nightingale (Exercise Beowulf), an innovative military initiative to involve injured service personnel in archaeology to aid their recovery. 

Radiocarbon dating has provided a coherent chronology for the important prehistoric sequence, and has also shown that Anglo-Saxon burial continued into the 7th and possibly the 8th century.  Notable cemetery finds include a sword with well-preserved organic remains, a bucket with surviving yew staves, a fine great square-headed brooch and only the second Visigothic brooch of its type found in Britain.


Published Published By Pages ISBN
Jan. 1, 2019 Wessex Archaeology 359 978-1-911137-12-2
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