Suburban life in Roman Durnovaria: Excavations at the former County Hospital Site Dorchester, Dorset 2000–2001

Mike Trevarthen
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In 2000 and 2001 excavations in the south-west corner of the Roman town of Durnovaria, modern day Dorchester, revealed evidence for buildings and other features alongside a road. The site came to national prominence when a series of very fine mosaics were revealed, indeed around 6000 visitors patiently queued to view these and other finds from the site during an open day. As well as the mosaics and the building they were set within, the excavations revealed evidence for the everyday items used within the town: pottery, glass vessels, jewellery. amongst which were some rare and exotic items. A hoard of late Roman coins was also discovered on the site. Evidence for the economy of the town was also found including the remains of fish sauces which was very popular in Roman times. 


Published Published By Pages
Jan. 1, 2008 Wessex Archaeology 49
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