A Slice of Rural Essex: Archaeological discoveries from the A120 between Stansted Airport and Braintree

Jane Timby, Richard Brown, Edward Biddulph, Alan Hardy & Andrew B. Powell
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The upgrading of the A120 between Stansted Airport and Braintree allowed the unique opportunity to examine a slice of landscape crossing the clay plateau of Essex; a geology which has received little attention in the past. A diverse pattern of human history was revealed including earlier prehistoric flint knapping, later prehistoric ritual activity, a Roman farmstead with accompanying cemetery, a middle Saxon hall, medieval settlement, pottery production and a windmill.

This report is the product of a joint venture between Oxford Archaeology and Wessex Archaeology and has been designed to provide the reader with an accessible interpretation of the finds with supporting factual data.  


Published Published By Pages ISBN
Jan. 1, 2007 Oxford Wessex Archaeology 241 978-0-9545970-2-3
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Copyright © Oxford Wessex Archaeology, a joint venture partnership between Oxford Archaeology and Wessex Archaeology. This work is openly licensed via CC BY-NC-ND 4.0