Settling the Ebbsfleet Valley. High Speed I Excavations at Springhead and Northfleet, Kent. The Late Iron Age, Roman, Saxon, and Medieval Landscape: Volume 2: Late Iron Age to Roman Finds Reports

Edward Biddulph, Rachael Seager Smith & Jorn Schuster
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This volume, the second of four, presents specialist reports on the Late Iron Age and Roman artefacts recovered from Springhead and Northfleet. 

These include over 2 tonnes of pottery, 1756 coins and tokens, over 2500 other metal small finds (many possibly votive objects recovered from the Ebbsfleet at Springhead) and 3000 nails. The metal finds include items of personal adornment and dress, household utensils and furniture, objects for weighing and measuring, pieces of toilet or medical equipment, tools associated with manufacture and agriculture, military equipment, and religious objects, including two lead Fortuna figurines. Quantities of iron slag, ceramic building material, wall plaster and woodwork, 95 rotary querns, and at least two pipeclay Venus figurines, along with glass, leather shoes, and objects of bone are also reported. 

The find assemblage from Springhead in particular emphasises the juxtaposition of ritual and domestic life in a small but important roadside settlement on Watling Street, on the route between the coast and London. Although the main building of the Northfleet villa complex, originally investigated in the early 20th century, was avoided by the route of High Speed I, high-status finds recovered from elsewhere in the estate, such as a seal-box, marble flooring and fragments of an imported theatrical mask provide further evidence that the villa was occupied by members of the local elite.

Collectively the substantial High Speed I finds assemblage helps paint a vivid picture of domestic, economic and religious life, and death, or both town and country dwellers within the Ebbsfleet Valley during the Romano-British period. 


Published Published By Pages ISBN
Jan. 1, 2011 Oxford Wessex Archaeology 444 978-0-9545970-7-8
License Information
This book is the second of a series of monographs by Oxford Wessex Archaeology (OWA) Copyright © Oxford Wessex Archaeology, a joint venture partnership between Oxford Archaeology and Wessex Archaeology. This work is openly licensed via CC BY-NC-ND 4.0