Excavations Along the Route of the Dorchester By-pass, Dorset, 1986–8

Roland J C Smith, Frances Healy, Michael J. Allen, Elaine L. Morris, I Barnes & P.J. Woodward
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This report presents the results of archaeological survey and excavation undertaken prior to and during construction of the A35 Southern By-pass and A37 Western Link Road around Dorchester, Dorset.

A series of sites was examined ranging in date from the Neolithic to post-medieval periods. 

A Neolithic pit enclosure with associated burials and chalk carvings was excavated at Flagstones and Neolithic pit rings at Conygar Hill.

Evidence for Bronze Age field systems, occupation debris, and ring-ditches was recovered from several sites indicating intensive agricultural settlement. Early–Middle Iron Age material as sparse but Late Iron Age features, burials, and artefact assemblages were recorded.

Ample evidence was found for rural Romano-British occupation and farming in the hinterland of the town of Durnovaria. 

The archaeological data was backed by an extensive programme of molluscan and soil analyses. The combined results provide a comprehensive and unprecedented picture of the development of occupation and land-use in the Dorchester area from the Neolithic to post-medieval times. 


Published Published By Pages ISBN
Jan. 1, 1997 Wessex Archaeology 345 978-1-874350101
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