Early Settlement in Berkshire: Mesolithic – Roman Occupation in the Thames and Kennet Valleys

I Barnes, W.A. Boismier, R.M.J. Cleal, A. P. Fitzpatrick & M.R. Roberts
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At Weir Bank Stud Farm, Bray, evidence was recovered of earlier Neolithic and later Iron Age – Romano British date. A Middle Bronze Age field system, triple ditches, and round-house represented the major period of use.

Three concentrations of later Neolithic/Early Bronze Age flintwork from Maidenhead Thicket were analysed, indicating limited extraction activities occurring in two areas and one are of probable domestic activity. 

An unenclosed, 7th century BC Early Iron Age settlement was investigated at Dunston Park, Thatcham. One round-house included a range of domestic items distributed in one side of the house only. A nearby 7th century BC pit group with ironsmithing debris provides early evidence of ironworking in the area.

At Park Farm, Binfield, a small rural settlement of the 1st century BC – 2nd century AD consisted of several houses and an enclosure system situated on London Clay and notably produced large numbers of loomweights. Mesolithic flint scatters were also investigated in detail. 


Published Published By Pages
Jan. 1, 1995 Wessex Archaeology 161
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