By River, Fields and Factories: The Making of the Lower Lea Valley: Archaeological and cultural heritage investigations on the site of the London 2012 Olympic and Paralympic Games

Andrew B. Powell
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The construction, the eats London's lower Lea Valley, of the Olympic Park as a venue for the London 2012 Olympic and Paralympic Games, promoted a comprehensive series of investigations into the site's environmental and cultural heritage.  The work was commissioned by the Olympic Delivery Authority and comprised geoarchaeological, paleoenvironmental and archaeological investigations, built heritage recording, documentary research, oral history and other forms of community engagement.  

The volume combines many strands of evidence in order to chart the evolution of the valley landscape over some 10,000 years, and changes in the patterns of human settlement, land and waterway management, and economic activity. It has revealed important new evidence for prehistoric farming, post-medieval milling, Victorian infrastructure development, the areas 19th and 20th century industrial heritage, and World War II defences. 

The creation of the Olympic Park is the most recent of a long series of transformations which lower Lea Valley and its communities have witnessed over their history.  These cultural history investigations, the results of which form part of the legacy of the 2012 Games, have ensured that the site's past has been preserved, and renewed for the future. 


Published Published By Pages ISBN
Jan. 1, 2012 Wessex Archaeology 487 978-1-874350-59-0
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