
Our reports library includes fieldwork, geophysical, geoarchaeological, marine and post-excavation reports from our archaeological and heritage projects across the UK.

There are 219 Reports listed.

Thumbnail representing Hollis Croft, Sheffield, South Yorkshire - Archaeological Report

Hollis Croft, Sheffield, South Yorkshire - Archaeological Report

Wessex Archaeology

Published: 2019-06-01
Subjects: Post Medieval

Wessex Archaeology was commissioned to undertake a staged programme of archaeological mitigation works at Hollis Croft, Sheffield. The programme comprised watching brief, evaluation trial trenching and six strip, map and record excavations. The Site was centred on NGR 434990 387580. The impact of 18th-century activity at Hollis Croft was perhaps best preserved in the layout of the various [...]

Thumbnail representing Croxton and Garry Site, London Road, Swanscombe, Kent - Archaeological Evaluation Report

Croxton and Garry Site, London Road, Swanscombe, Kent - Archaeological Evaluation Report

Wessex Archaeology

Published: 2019-06-01
Subjects: Undated / No Archaeology Recorded

Wessex Archaeology was commissioned to undertake an archaeological evaluation of land located north of London Road, Swanscombe, Kent, centred on NGR 559703 175017. Only two of the proposed nine trenches were excavated during this phase of works, with the remaining seven trenches to be undertaken at a later date. Both trenches contained made ground deposits directly overlying the natural [...]

Thumbnail representing Highfields Farm - Post-excavation Assessment

Highfields Farm - Post-excavation Assessment

Wessex Archaeology

Published: 2019-05-01
Subjects: Iron Age, Roman

Wessex Archaeology was commissioned to carry out an archaeological strip, map and sample excavation at Highfields Farm, Findern, Derby (NGR 432000 332300). An isolated pit containing Bronze Age pottery, and a handful of flint (all residual), are the only evidence relating to the earlier prehistoric periods. Evidence for occupation becomes more conspicuous during the late Iron Age, with two [...]

Thumbnail representing Land off Derby Road, Doveridge, Derbyshire - Post-excavation Assessment

Land off Derby Road, Doveridge, Derbyshire - Post-excavation Assessment

Wessex Archaeology

Published: 2019-05-01
Subjects: Bronze Age, Post Medieval

Wessex Archaeology was commissioned to undertake archaeological mitigation works comprising a strip, map and record excavation on land off Derby Road, Doveridge, Derbyshire, DE6 5LA (NGR 412290 334030). Three separate areas occupying 0.15 hectares in total were excavated. Area 1 contained the remains of a barrow. A complete ring ditch enclosed a 22 m diameter area that contained: the poorly [...]

Thumbnail representing The Old Vicarage, Anchor Road, Calne - Archaeological Excavation Report

The Old Vicarage, Anchor Road, Calne - Archaeological Excavation Report

Wessex Archaeology

Published: 2019-05-01
Subjects: Medieval

Wessex Archaeology was commissioned to undertake an archaeological investigation within the north-east corner of the garden of The Old Vicarage, Anchor Road, Calne, the monitored area measured an area c. 75 m2, centred on NGR 400034 171000. The investigation confirmed the presence of two substantial north to south orientated ditches, which based on artefactual evidence could date to the [...]

Thumbnail representing Sellindge Phase 2, Ashford Road, Sellindge, Kent - Post-excavation Assessment

Sellindge Phase 2, Ashford Road, Sellindge, Kent - Post-excavation Assessment

Wessex Archaeology

Published: 2019-05-01
Subjects: Medieval, Post Medieval

Wessex Archaeology was commissioned to undertake an archaeological strip, map and sample excavation on a parcel of land located in Sellindge, Ashford Road, Kent, TN25 6GD, centred on Grid Reference (NGR) 610194, 138140. The excavation comprised three areas. The areas measured: Area 1 - 363m², Area 2 - 807m² and Area 3 - 4590m². The archaeological investigation has identified activity [...]

Thumbnail representing Lyewood Farm Phase 2, Boughton Monchelsea, Kent - Post-excavation Assessment

Lyewood Farm Phase 2, Boughton Monchelsea, Kent - Post-excavation Assessment

Wessex Archaeology

Published: 2019-05-01
Subjects: Iron Age, Roman

Wessex Archaeology was commissioned to undertake an archaeological strip, map and sample (SMS) of two areas, along with a single trial trench of a 2.4 ha parcel of land located at Lyewood Farm, Boughton Monchelsea, Kent, ME17 4LF. Area A presented the largest concentration of archaeological features within the site, a rectilinear enclosure and associated contemporary field system were [...]

Thumbnail representing A303 Stonehenge. Amesbury to Berwick Down.

A303 Stonehenge. Amesbury to Berwick Down.

Wessex Archaeology

Published: 2019-04-10
Subjects: A303

Archaeological Evaluation Report: Winterbourne Stoke East - Part 1: Text.

Thumbnail representing A303 Stonehenge. Amesbury to Berwick Down.

A303 Stonehenge. Amesbury to Berwick Down.

Wessex Archaeology

Published: 2019-04-10
Subjects: A303

Archaeological Evaluation Report: Winterbourne Stoke East - Part 2: Figures.

Thumbnail representing A303 Stonehenge. Amesbury to Berwick Down.

A303 Stonehenge. Amesbury to Berwick Down.

Wessex Archaeology

Published: 2019-04-10
Subjects: A303

Archaeological Evaluation Report: Winterbourne Stoke West - Part 2: Figures.

Thumbnail representing A303 Stonehenge. Amesbury to Berwick Down.

A303 Stonehenge. Amesbury to Berwick Down.

Wessex Archaeology

Published: 2019-04-10
Subjects: A303

Archaeological Evaluation Report: Winterbourne Stoke West - Part 1: Text.

Thumbnail representing A303 Stonehenge. Amesbury to Berwick Down.

A303 Stonehenge. Amesbury to Berwick Down.

Wessex Archaeology

Published: 2019-04-10
Subjects: A303

Archaeological Evaluation Report: Eastern Portal - Part 1: Text.

Thumbnail representing A303 Stonehenge. Amesbury to Berwick Down.

A303 Stonehenge. Amesbury to Berwick Down.

Wessex Archaeology

Published: 2019-04-10
Subjects: A303

Archaeological Evaluation Report: Eastern Portal - Part 2: Figures.

Thumbnail representing A303 Stonehenge. Amesbury to Berwick Down.

A303 Stonehenge. Amesbury to Berwick Down.

Wessex Archaeology

Published: 2019-04-09
Subjects: A303

Archaeological Evaluation Report: Western Portal and Approach - Part 2: Figures.

Thumbnail representing A303 Stonehenge. Amesbury to Berwick Down.

A303 Stonehenge. Amesbury to Berwick Down.

Wessex Archaeology

Published: 2019-04-09
Subjects: A303

Archaeological Evaluation Report: Western Portal and Approach - Part 1: Text.


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