
Our reports library includes fieldwork, geophysical, geoarchaeological, marine and post-excavation reports from our archaeological and heritage projects across the UK.

There are 220 Reports listed.

Thumbnail representing Astra Printing, Cullompton, Devon - Archaeological Monitoring and Supervised Archaeological Strip

Astra Printing, Cullompton, Devon - Archaeological Monitoring and Supervised Archaeological Strip

Wessex Archaeology

Published: 2022-08-01
Subjects: 20th Century, Romano-British

Wessex Archaeology was commissioned by RPS Consulting Services, to undertake an archaeological watching brief and a supervised archaeological strip of the footprint of the proposed building and monitoring of ground reduction in the area of car parking to the north. The monitored works covered 0.53 ha, centred on NGR 302135 107764, located at Willand Road, Collumpton, Devon. The watching [...]

Thumbnail representing Blake Road, Cirencester, Gloucestershire - Archaeological Watching Brief

Blake Road, Cirencester, Gloucestershire - Archaeological Watching Brief

Wessex Archaeology

Published: 2022-08-01
Subjects: Undated / No Archaeology Recorded

Wessex Archaeology was commissioned to undertake an archaeological monitoring of excavations for the insertion of a flap valve into the existing sewage system. The works monitored were centred on NGR 402348, 202458, to the rear of Blake Road, Cirencester. The area of work was situated towards the northern extent of the Scheduled Monument for Corinium Roman town (NHLE 1003426), which covers [...]

Thumbnail representing The Grange, 40 High Street, Pewsey, Wiltshire - Archaeological Monitoring and Recording

The Grange, 40 High Street, Pewsey, Wiltshire - Archaeological Monitoring and Recording

Wessex Archaeology

Published: 2022-08-01
Subjects: Undated / No Archaeology Recorded

Wessex Archaeology was commissioned to undertake archaeological monitoring and recording of all ground works associated with the ground works associated with the construction of a new single storey dwelling and new services undertaken at land at The Grange, 40 High Street, Pewsey, Wiltshire SN9 5AQ. The works monitored included the excavation of a standard beam foundation for the footing of [...]

Thumbnail representing Main Street, Great Casterton, Rutland - Post-excavation Assessment and Updated Project Design

Main Street, Great Casterton, Rutland - Post-excavation Assessment and Updated Project Design

Wessex Archaeology

Published: 2022-08-01
Subjects: Post Medieval, Romano-British

Wessex Archaeology was commissioned to undertake archaeological mitigation works on a parcel of land measuring approximately covering 600 m² located on Main Street, Great Casterton, Rutland (NGR 499951 309211). Previous archaeological work carried out on the site included a desk-based assessment and a trial trench evaluation.

Thumbnail representing Courtfield House, Trowbridge, Wiltshire - Archaeological Evaluation Report

Courtfield House, Trowbridge, Wiltshire - Archaeological Evaluation Report

Wessex Archaeology

Published: 2022-08-01
Subjects: Medieval, Post Medieval

In the event only one feature was uncovered which was seen to cut the subsoil. A single sherd of pottery was recovered from its lower fill and dates the pit to the post medieval, and a small piece of peg tile from the upper fill dates to the medieval or early post-medieval. Two sherds of Romano-British pottery were recovered from the upper fill of the pit. While these are residual they are of [...]

Thumbnail representing Northumberland Line Newsham Station - Archaeological Investigations Interim Report

Northumberland Line Newsham Station - Archaeological Investigations Interim Report

Wessex Archaeology

Published: 2022-08-01
Subjects: Iron Age, Post Medieval

The archaeological investigation exposed the remains of a rectangular enclosure and internal ring gully previously identified by geophysical survey and trial trench evaluation. It revealed further archaeological remains within the enclosure, comprising ring gullies, ditches and pits. A large wood-lined pit, thought to be a possible Iron Age well was also investigated within the enclosure. [...]

Thumbnail representing Withington Villa, Gloucestershire - UAV Surveys

Withington Villa, Gloucestershire - UAV Surveys

Wessex Archaeology

Published: 2022-07-01
Subjects: Romano-British

Wessex Archaeology was commissioned to undertake metric and visual Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) surveys of a 19 ha parcel of land at Manor Hall, Withington, Gloucestershire, GL54 4BN, centred on NGR 403245 215038. The surveyed area included part of the scheduled Withington Romano-British villa complex (NHLE 1003345). Prior to site attendance, permission was obtained from the neighbouring [...]

Thumbnail representing Sparkling Stream Project, Public Right of Way and Wilton Wetland Construction, Wilton, Wiltshire - Archaeological Monitoring and Recording

Sparkling Stream Project, Public Right of Way and Wilton Wetland Construction, Wilton, Wiltshire - Archaeological Monitoring and Recording

Wessex Archaeology

Published: 2022-07-01
Subjects: Undated / No Archaeology Recorded

Wessex Archaeology was commissioned to undertake a programme of archaeological monitoring and recording (AMR) during ground disturbance works associated with the construction of an on-farm wetland at Manor Farm, Grafton Road, Wilton (planning ref. PL/2021/10788). Covering approximately 2.36 ha, the development site comprises farmland bordered to the northeast by the former Roman road [...]

Thumbnail representing The Cart House, Newholme Hospital, Bakewell - Historic Building Record

The Cart House, Newholme Hospital, Bakewell - Historic Building Record

Wessex Archaeology

Published: 2022-07-01
Subjects: Post Medieval

The Cart House forms an early part of the former Bakewell Union Workhouse, latterly Newholme Hospital, constructed as an ancillary structure, likely as a cart house, which was latterly used as a store. The building’s construction is simple, reflecting its ancillary nature. Nevertheless, it contributes to an understanding of the historic function and layout of the former workhouse. The building is [...]

Thumbnail representing Botley Bypass, Botley, Hampshire - Post-excavation Assessment

Botley Bypass, Botley, Hampshire - Post-excavation Assessment

Wessex Archaeology

Published: 2022-07-01
Subjects: Bronze Age, Iron Age, Post Medieval, Romano-British

Archaeological features were recorded in all three areas. In Area A, a series of 1st century AD features were revealed, including two ditched enclosures, a hollow and three pits. A post-medieval ditch crossed this area and a further five pits and seven postholes were of uncertain date. In Area B, two waterholes were dated to the 1st century AD; there was also a post-medieval ditch. Two [...]

Thumbnail representing Westside Close, Old Sarum, Salisbury - Post-excavation Assessment

Westside Close, Old Sarum, Salisbury - Post-excavation Assessment

Wessex Archaeology

Published: 2022-07-01
Subjects: Bronze Age, Iron Age, Neolithic

The excavation revealed two pits of potentially contemporary date in close proximity to this feature, although they contained smaller quantities of finds. A tiny, residual sherd of Beaker pottery was also retrieved from one of two postholes during the evaluation. These features were resolved, during the excavation, to have formed part of a ring, approximately 4.5 m in diameter, of seven [...]

Thumbnail representing Layer de la Haye WTW Enhancement, Layer de la Haye, Essex - Post-excavation Assessment

Layer de la Haye WTW Enhancement, Layer de la Haye, Essex - Post-excavation Assessment

Wessex Archaeology

Published: 2022-07-01
Subjects: Iron Age, Medieval, Romano-British

This excavation only revealed six small pits whereby four of them were sampled for environmental assessment. The features sampled were identified as the truncated remains of charcoal production pits variously (and poorly) dated between the Iron Age, Romano-British and medieval periods.

Thumbnail representing Harnham Park, Netherhampton Road, Salisbury, Wiltshire - Post-excavation Assessment and Updated Project Design

Harnham Park, Netherhampton Road, Salisbury, Wiltshire - Post-excavation Assessment and Updated Project Design

Wessex Archaeology

Published: 2022-06-01
Subjects: Neolithic

Wessex Archaeology was commissioned to undertake archaeological mitigation works comprising an archaeological strip, map and record excavation covering 0.18 hectare centred on NGR 412548 129099, at Harnham Park, Netherhampton Road, Salisbury, Wiltshire, SP2 8PF. The archaeological investigation at Harnham Park identified features and deposits including buried soils, pits, a ditch, postholes, a [...]

Thumbnail representing Land between East Cowes Road and Fairlee Road, Newport, Isle of Wight - Archaeological Evaluation

Land between East Cowes Road and Fairlee Road, Newport, Isle of Wight - Archaeological Evaluation

Wessex Archaeology

Published: 2022-06-01
Subjects: Post Medieval

Wessex Archaeology was commissioned to undertake an archaeological evaluation of a 1.5 ha parcel of land located in Land off East Cowes Road, East Cowes, Isle of Wight, PO32 6NH. The evaluation area is centred on NGR 452060 91860. A total of 13 trenches measuring 30 m in length, 1.90 m wide and approximately 0.35 m deep were excavated, revealing natural clays and gravels beneath a modern [...]

Thumbnail representing Newlyn Coastal Research Project - Site Walkover and Geoarchaeological Borehole Survey

Newlyn Coastal Research Project - Site Walkover and Geoarchaeological Borehole Survey

Wessex Archaeology

Published: 2022-06-01
Subjects: Geoarchaeological

Wessex Archaeology (WA) was commissioned to undertake a site walkover, hand auger survey and geoarchaeological borehole survey, of a section of the intertidal foreshore of Newlyn beach (henceforth referred to as the ‘Site’). The proposed works, involving installation of ECO armour units and an associated haul road area and access route, traverses the foreshore and tidal flats south of [...]


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