
Our reports library includes fieldwork, geophysical, geoarchaeological, marine and post-excavation reports from our archaeological and heritage projects across the UK.

There are 219 Reports listed.

Thumbnail representing Land at Bordon Garrison, Bordon, Hampshire - Archaeological Evaluation

Land at Bordon Garrison, Bordon, Hampshire - Archaeological Evaluation

Wessex Archaeology

Published: 2022-05-01
Subjects: 20th Century, Post Medieval

Wessex Archaeology was commissioned to undertake an archaeological evaluation of a 1.91 ha parcel of land located on land at the former Bordon Garrison, Bordon, Hampshire, GU35 9HQ. The Site is part of a wider development site. A recent archaeological appraisal of the site had identified two largely linear banks relating to known 19th and 20th century boundaries, although the dating of these [...]

Thumbnail representing St John's Churchyard, John Street, Bristol - Archaeological Watching Brief

St John's Churchyard, John Street, Bristol - Archaeological Watching Brief

Wessex Archaeology

Published: 2022-05-01
Subjects: Post Medieval

Wessex Archaeology was commissioned to undertake an archaeological watching brief during intrusive groundworks associated with public realm improvements at St John’s Churchyard, Bristol. The watching brief, undertaken as a condition of faculty approval for the improvement works, covered a 0.06-hectare area, centred on NGR 358847 173178. The archaeological works comprised monitoring the [...]

Thumbnail representing Northfleet Embankment West - Further Laser Scan and Photogrammetry Survey

Northfleet Embankment West - Further Laser Scan and Photogrammetry Survey

Wessex Archaeology

Published: 2022-05-01
Subjects: Undated / No Archaeology Recorded

Wessex Archaeology has been commission to undertake measured surveys of brick structural remains, exposed during the demolition phase of redevelopment works at the former Northfleet Cement Works, Gravesham. A brick kiln structure and associated features (the ‘northern kiln complex’) was exposed centred on NGR 562040 174790 during the ongoing watching brief phase in Area E. Deemed too unstable [...]

Thumbnail representing Former Fever Ward of Hexham Workhouse, Dene Avenue, Hexham, Northumberland - Historic Building Record and Archaeological Watching Brief Report

Former Fever Ward of Hexham Workhouse, Dene Avenue, Hexham, Northumberland - Historic Building Record and Archaeological Watching Brief Report

Wessex Archaeology

Published: 2022-05-01
Subjects: 20th Century, Post Medieval

Wessex Archaeology was commissioned to carry out archaeological investigation and recording of the former Fever Ward of the historic Hexham Workhouse, Dene Avenue, Hexham, Northumberland, NE46 1HN, centred on OS NGR 394162, 564016. This involved the production of a historic building record of the Fever Ward building commensurate with a Historic England Level 3 survey, and an archaeological [...]

Thumbnail representing Market Strand, Falmouth, Cornwall - Archaeological Watching Brief

Market Strand, Falmouth, Cornwall - Archaeological Watching Brief

Wessex Archaeology

Published: 2022-05-01
Subjects: Undated / No Archaeology Recorded

Wessex Archaeology was commissioned to undertake an archaeological watching brief during geotechnical works at Market Strand, Falmouth, Cornwall centred on NGR 180754 032988. The watching brief monitored the excavation of five slip trenches and one hand dug test pit. The geotechnical works were undertaken in order to identify any existing services that may be affected by the re-routing of a [...]

Thumbnail representing Westwood Cross: Phase 5B, Thanet, Kent - Archaeological Evaluation Report

Westwood Cross: Phase 5B, Thanet, Kent - Archaeological Evaluation Report

Wessex Archaeology

Published: 2022-05-01
Subjects: Undated / No Archaeology Recorded

Wessex Archaeology was commissioned to undertake an archaeological evaluation of a 7.23 hectare parcel of land located Westwood Cross Thanet. A total of 26 archaeological features were recorded in 11 of the 30 excavated trenches, comprising ditches, pits, postholes and a large quarry pit. None of the features could be solidly phased. A large palaeochannel was recorded running through the [...]

Thumbnail representing Blenheim Palace: Queen Pool Restoration Project - Survey Data Analysis (Landform Area)

Blenheim Palace: Queen Pool Restoration Project - Survey Data Analysis (Landform Area)

Wessex Archaeology

Published: 2022-04-01
Subjects: Undated / No Archaeology Recorded

Wessex Archaeology was commissioned to undertake analysis and interpretation of airborne LiDAR, Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) photogrammetric data, and terrestrial laser scan data at Blenheim Palace, Oxfordshire (NGR: SP 43536 17842). The analysis was required to provide a record of extant archaeological features of an approximately 16.3 ha area of land, prior to deposition of silt dredged from [...]

Thumbnail representing The Round House, Bridge Street, Evesham - Archaeological Watching Brief and Evaluation

The Round House, Bridge Street, Evesham - Archaeological Watching Brief and Evaluation

Wessex Archaeology

Published: 2022-04-01
Subjects: Post Medieval

Wessex Archaeology was commissioned to undertake an archaeological watching brief and evaluation at The Round House, 2 Bridge Street, Evesham, WR11 4RS. The works area is centred on NGR 403721, 243790. Excavations identified archaeological deposits in two test pits comprising brick structures of probable 19th century date, an undated stone structure and post-medieval backfill deposits. The [...]

Thumbnail representing Old Mills, Paulton, Midsomer North, Bath and North East Somerset - Archaeological Watching Brief

Old Mills, Paulton, Midsomer North, Bath and North East Somerset - Archaeological Watching Brief

Wessex Archaeology

Published: 2022-04-01
Subjects: Undated / No Archaeology Recorded

Wessex Archaeology was commissioned to undertake an archaeological watching brief of a 13.5 ha parcel of land centred on NGR 365000 155100, at Old Mills, Paulton, Midsomer Norton, Bath and North East Somerset, BS39 7SR. The watching brief comprised the monitoring and recording of nine geotechnical trial pits. No archaeological features or deposits were observed during the watching brief. Three [...]

Thumbnail representing Southampton Container Terminal Berth Access Dredge

Southampton Container Terminal Berth Access Dredge

Wessex Archaeology

Published: 2022-03-01
Subjects: Undated / No Archaeology Recorded

Wessex Archaeology was appointed to carry out an archaeological watching brief based on the previously prepared and approved written scheme of archaeological works for the proposed capital dredging area within Southampton Water known as the Container Terminal Berth Access Dredge. The project involved the extension of the existing tug manoeuvring area, targeted widening of the existing [...]

Thumbnail representing The Charter, Gravesend Car Parks, Gravesend, Kent - Post-excavation Assessment

The Charter, Gravesend Car Parks, Gravesend, Kent - Post-excavation Assessment

Wessex Archaeology

Published: 2022-03-01
Subjects: 20th Century, Post Medieval

Wessex Archaeology was commissioned to undertake archaeological mitigation works comprising an archaeological excavation covering two areas centred on NGR 564894 174311, located at the proposed Gravesend Eastern Quarter. The excavations revealed structural remains associated with the 19th and 20th century activity within the site, with the majority of features recorded on either the 1840’s [...]

Thumbnail representing Flowers Barrow, Lulworth, Dorset - Archaeological Excavation Report

Flowers Barrow, Lulworth, Dorset - Archaeological Excavation Report

Wessex Archaeology

Published: 2022-02-11
Subjects: Undated / No Archaeology Recorded

Wessex Archaeology was commissioned by Defence Infrastructure Organisation to undertake archaeological mitigation works comprising an archaeological excavation of a 250 m2 parcel of land, centred on NGR 386455 80595, at Scheduled Monument Flowers Barrow, Lulworth, Dorset, within the South Dorset Coast Site of Scientific Interest (SSSI). The proposed investigation comprised the hand excavation [...]

Thumbnail representing Swindon New Eastern Villages - White Hart Junction, Swindon, Wiltshire - Archaeological Monitoring and Recording

Swindon New Eastern Villages - White Hart Junction, Swindon, Wiltshire - Archaeological Monitoring and Recording

Wessex Archaeology

Published: 2022-02-01
Subjects: Iron Age, Post Medieval

Wessex Archaeology was commissioned to undertake archaeological monitoring and recording during the upgrade of the existing White Hart roundabout on the A419/A420. The monitored works were centred on NGR 418530 186361, at New Eastern Villages, White Hart Junction, Swindon, SN3 4HG. Five separate areas were monitored during the works; Ermin Way (trenches 1 and 5), the location of the rail [...]

Thumbnail representing Fort Widley, Portsmouth, Hampshire - Archaeological Watching Brief

Fort Widley, Portsmouth, Hampshire - Archaeological Watching Brief

Wessex Archaeology

Published: 2022-02-01
Subjects: Undated / No Archaeology Recorded

Wessex Archaeology was commissioned to undertake an archaeological watching brief during the digging of a trench to enable the installation of a fibreoptic cable. The monitored works were centred on NGR 465677 106511, at Fort Widley, Portsmouth, Hampshire PO6 3LS. The archaeological monitoring and recording comprised of one trench, 0.6 m x 0.28 m x 0.3 m. Three layers of building material and [...]

Thumbnail representing Laundry Road, Minster, Kent - Archaeological Excavation Report

Laundry Road, Minster, Kent - Archaeological Excavation Report

Wessex Archaeology

Published: 2022-02-01
Subjects: Bronze Age

Wessex Archaeology was commissioned to undertake archaeological mitigation works comprising an archaeological strip, map & sample excavation centred on NGR 631231 165570, at Laundry Road, Minster, Kent CT12 4AG. The excavation identified a moderate quantity of archaeological features and deposits, with a concentration within the southern half of the site. The features comprised of 18 pits, 11 [...]


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